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Monday, June 05, 2006

Life and death

So I have this friend named Lindsay who is the greatest friend you could ever have. Basically during first year at university I was best friends with her roommate, Kelly. Kelly and I did everything together, we even slept together (in a sleepover fashion since I am gay). Unfortunately, Kelly and I fell out, but Lindsay and I started hanging out a lot. As time went by she started making her mark in my life. She ate at my apartment, she slept in my bed, she studied with me, we shopped together, we did everything together and all of a sudden Lindsay was my best friend and the apple of my eye.

So when it came time to find out who you wanted to be roommates with in second year, Lindsay and I didn't even discuss this. We just said to each other, "so shall we go look at apartments?" Then we found an apartment on rue Peel in Montréal and lived together. She was the greatest roommate ever. I think the only time we ever argued was when I took two of her apples and ate them at lunch. She left me a note saying, "stop stealing my apples!" so I bought two new ones and replaced them. Bad me.

Then I went to Vienna, Austria for a year and she had to get her own apartment. The thing is...the doctors found cancer in her pancreas and liver. Lindsay does not smoke, she does not drink whatsoever, she goes to the gym 3 times a week at least. I drink too much, I am lazy...But she is the one who got cancer.

She had to stop going to university and move back to Toronto to home. They started her on chemo and it worked but it was too slow. She decided that she would transfer from McGill to the University of Toronto and finish her degree there. Her doctor told her not to do that because she would not have enough time left. Enough time left in her life to finish her degree.

How can such a great person have cancer and die within the next five years? Life is unfair. Totally unfair. The thing that kills me the most is that I am not in Canada to see her. I want to be there with her and enjoy her!

So basically the moral of this blog is to enjoy the people in your life whilst you can. Otherwise, something might happen to them and you will have missed your chance to enjoy the greatest time of your life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking...I send her positive vibes....HUGS

2:23 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets jump in the car and go see her!

5:19 a.m.  
Blogger Zz said...

...I really wasn't expecting that post to end like that :( it truely is heart breaking...

11:27 a.m.  

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