Prostitutes, cleaning ladies, and dodgy store front
So I may live in the red light district of Vienna because it's really cheap, but I didn't know that the price you pay for living here is getting picked up by prostitutes left and right! Usually, I sit at my desk and observe the people out my window and maybe once or twice a week I see a "transaction" go down between a worker and a nice Mercedes...
However, sometimes when I am walking to or fro uni, some ugly witch pops her head out of a door on the street and says something like, "fickie fickie?" I'm sure that is understood in all languages. Of course I just walk away as fast as I can. Can't they see that I am wearing a backpack?! Hello! studious dork! Or at least they should think that, even if it's not true.
Anyway, today I was coming back from Billa (Austrian grocery store) and as soon as I turn the corner to my building some hooker calls after me saying, "Hä Hund!" and so I just keep walking and then she follows me. I put in the code to the door and she walks up behind me and says, "Hä Hund, sex machen?" and I as a normal person say, "NEE!!" and close the door to as fast as I could.
Translation of the conversation
"Hey stud"
"Wanna have sex?"
And as we speak my roommate and I were watching them outside and their pimp arrived...Shortly afterwards a police car drove by and they all ran away like little kids! Hilarious!
All right so the building I live in is a brand new one that opened up in September and the administration wants to keep it in pristine shape, therefore, they provide a cleaning service every week to clean your apartment. Basically, that means some fat immigrant comes to wipe down the counters and make sure you have not trashed the place. The kicker is that she comes early in the morning and I am always asleep.
The doorbell sounds like a fire alarm. Thankfully, I found it and cut the wire so that it no longer works in my room, only in my roommate's. Evil I know. Well not that evil, since he gets up at 5am every day anyway and is always awake when she comes. They make fun of me every time because I am always asleep. Compared to him I must seem like a lazy slob.
I wear earplugs now to drown her out.
Right-o. My neighbourhood is not that great but I don't find it to be particularly dangerous. However, there is a store directly facing my window and it seems as though that it is a front for some illegal activity. I say this because it is always open but no one ever goes in and buys anything. How can it still be in business when no one goes? It is so dodgy.

Anywho, the other day someone actually bought a couch and you can see from the picture exactly how they toted it away. What will these people think up next? I tell ya, I am ready to move!
You have to love those prostatutes-they work hard and they are not that good (e.g hitting on you!!)
Okie dokie....prostitees waiting....hmmm...I don't think that will be missed :P LOL
Your description of these peeps are so vivid and so funny!
"so I cut the wire"
ohhhhh troy.... I love your blatent disregard for rules oulined in lease agreements. LOV YOU.
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