Jetzt arbeite ich bei Amerikanischen Fluglinien

Working at American Airlines

Monday, February 04, 2008

Starting to blog again...

Yeah, so the last time that I actually put something on here was in 2006 and now it is 2008. I guess I just got busy with things and let this go to the back burner. Anywho, what's new with me? I moved back to Kentucky after my adventures in Europe, got my old job back, then got a new job with American Airlines at the airport. That means I get to fly at my leisure, which I use pretty often, well I think I do. This week I am planning a trip to Toronto to see Lindsay and Rafay. It's super duper exciting because I haven't seen them in almost a year. 

Aside from that, I moved from Nicholasville to Lexington to be closer to work. I also acquired a doggy named Artemis. She is such a sweet dog, although she has been nicknamed Chewy by some. I admit if you leave her alone for a while she will go to town with whatever she can find in the trash or your pair of shoes you foolishly left on the floor.  

My life is somewhat boring at the moment. I go to work at 4:30AM, work 10 hours and then come home and usually just sit in front of the tv and then go to sleep. Although, lately I have been socialising a lot more with Liz. We found a new watering h
ole in town. Well it's not new per se but new for our finding it «The Pub». $4 pints during happy hour, not a bad deal eh? The other weekend we all went out for Liz's birthday and had a hell of a time. By the end of the night I had lost my wallet and took a taxi home. Barnacles! Got everything canceled and replaced, but what a hassle. Teaches you to take extra precaution whilst inebriated. 

New things I learnt today: 
@ in English -> "commercial at"
@ in German -> Ätt or Klammeraffe or Affeschwanz (Schwyzerdütsch)
@ in French -> Arrobase or à commercial (Québécois)

Very useful to know when speaking in tongue. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Troy,
Good to have some news about what's up with you, even if it's a few months old now. Glad to know things are going ok for you and I'm sure you must really love Artemis. Looks like a great little dog.

Your French mom,

10:33 a.m.  

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